This is the biggest cause of liver cancer, your mistake is becoming your problem, start this work immediately

This is the biggest cause of liver cancer, your mistake is becoming your problem, start this work immediately

Liver Cancer Biggest Cause: Cancer is becoming a headache for the whole world. Every year it is killing 10 million people. We ourselves are the most responsible for these unnecessary deaths. According to WHO data, excess fat in the body, use of tobacco, alcohol, not consuming fruits and green vegetables and lack of physical mobility are responsible for one-third of cancer deaths. According to ICMR, about 15 lakh people in India are victims of cancer. But the worrying thing is that in the coming times, one in every 10 people will suffer from cancer at some point in their lifetime. There are many types of cancer. Among these, breast, lung, colon, rectum, prostate and liver cancer are very common cancer diseases. But you will be surprised to know that humans themselves are most responsible for liver cancer.

The biggest cause of liver
In a news of TOI, doctors have been quoted as saying that obesity is the biggest cause of liver cancer. Due to obesity, cases of liver cancer are increasing all over the world. When excess fat starts accumulating in the body, it indirectly plays a role in increasing cancer cells. It is worth noting that obesity does not only mean being overweight, but if there is no fat on the whole body or is thin and the stomach is full of fat, then this is also obesity and it is more dangerous. Most people in India have excess fat on their stomach. Dr. Dinesh Singh, Chairman of Radiation Oncology, Andromeda Cancer Hospital, Sonip, says that there is a complex relationship between obesity and cancer. When excess fat starts accumulating in the body, it creates a favorable environment for cancer cells to turn into cancer. It helps in increasing insulin and other factors like insulin, which increases the chances of formation of cancer cells. Along with this, more adipose tissue also increases estrogen, which further increases the risk of cancer.

symptoms of liver cancer
Although it is difficult to detect cancer in the beginning, but when it starts spreading in the body, then there is sudden weight loss, loss of appetite. Pain starts in the upper parts of the stomach. Often there is nausea and vomiting. This weakens the body and causes weakness and fatigue. In this condition, jaundice can also occur and the liver starts enlarging inside.

How to avoid this disease
We all know that our bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits are responsible for obesity. If we consume junk food like pizza and burger in large quantities, then it is very harmful for us. Alcohol and tobacco are a major cause of liver cancer. Therefore, it is better to stay away from these things. Include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Exercise daily and drink enough water. Apart from this, get enough sleep and stay away from stress. If there is stress, then manage it. Take the help of yoga and meditation.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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