Guwahati, 27 January (IANS). Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati have developed a new Nano material on Monday, which can help in detecting dangerous toxic metals for human health without higher expenses.
Mercury can enter the body by exposure to contaminated food, water, air or skin. Their exposure causes serious health problems, including damage to the nervous system, stopping working of organs and cognitive damage.
A team of scientists has developed nano particles that are made of metals and are very stable. These nano particles can detect poisonous metals present in living cells, without harming them.
Researchers say that this new invention may lead to revolutionary changes to detect diseases and environment monitoring. This will improve and manage the toxicity of metals in biological systems.
Saikat Bhowmik, assistant professor of the Department of Physics, IIT Guwahati, said, “A major feature of these peroveskite nanochestals is his narrow emission line, which is suitable for increasing sensitivity due to high signal-to-noise ratio to detect metal detection. . “
Bhowmik said that traditional imaging methods often struggle with light scattering, making it difficult to capture clear images from deep cell layers.
He said, “Perovskite nanochestal’s ability to undergo multi -photon absorption exceeds this limit, giving more clear and more detail imaging. These properties make them ideal for advanced fluorescence imaging in medical and biological research.”
Nanocristal has also demonstrated accurate sensitivity to sensitize very low levels of mercury. In addition, nanocristle has been found non-toxic when tested on living mammalian cells. This will not make any difference to the functions of the cells and the accurate monitoring of mercury ions will be possible.
In addition to detection of mercury, these nanocristle can play an important role in identifying other toxic metals in biological systems.