1 spoon of raw milk and 1 almond can bring moon-like glow on the face, how to use it – AnyTV News

1 spoon of raw milk and 1 almond can bring moon-like glow on the face, how to use it - India TV Hindi

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Milk and almond face pack

Almonds are considered the healthiest among dry fruits. Almonds are as beneficial for health as they are for the skin. Almonds contain a good amount of vitamin E. Which makes the skin soft and shiny. Almonds can be applied on the face by mixing them with milk. Aging, wrinkles and fine lines can be reduced by mixing almonds and milk and applying them on the face. Black heads and white heads can also be reduced by this. Know when and for how long should almonds and milk be mixed and applied?

How to make almond pack?

To apply almond pack on the face, first soak 1 almond in water overnight. If you want, wet the almond for a while. Now add raw milk to the almond and grind both the things on a grinding wheel or any other place to make a fine paste. Mix 1 full spoon of milk in it. Now apply it on the face and leave it like this for about half an hour. When all the almonds and milk dry up, wash the face with normal water. After this, if you feel like it, massage the entire face with 1 drop of almond oil. If your skin is sensitive, then wash it with water only after keeping it for 10 minutes.

benefits of almond face pack

  • People whose skin is dry and lifeless should definitely apply this pack made of almond and milk. It makes the skin soft and brings glow on the face.
  • This pack made of almond and milk will help in reducing freckles. It removes dark spots and wrinkles and also reduces the marks of wrinkles.
  • Applying a mixture of raw milk and almonds makes the skin glowing. This delays the signs of aging and keeps you young for a long time.
  • Almonds and raw milk are effective in removing the problem of blackheads and whiteheads on the skin. You can reduce the heads appearing on the face with this.

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