3 types of seeds can control high cholesterol, if you eat them early in the morning then obesity will also be affected, try it

3 types of seeds can control high cholesterol, if you eat them early in the morning then obesity will also be affected, try it

High Cholesterol: High cholesterol is an enemy for us. However, cholesterol in balanced amounts is necessary for us. Because cholesterol has a lot of work in our body. Cholesterol forms the cell membrane in our body and helps in making many hormones including testosterone, estrogen. It also plays an important role in the formation of many acids related to digestion. There are many such functions in the liver and intestine which are not possible without cholesterol. However, despite being so important, high cholesterol is an enemy for us. Actually, there are many types of cholesterol. Among these, low density cholesterol and triglycerides are dangerous for us. LDL sticks to our arteries due to which it starts blocking the flow of blood going towards the heart, while triglycerides make the walls of the arteries hard due to which there is a fear of it bursting. That is why people often consider it a villain. But there are some foods due to which the body will not have the problem of high cholesterol.

consume these 3 seeds

1. Flax seeds-Flax seeds are today’s superfood. Flax seeds contain many types of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. Apart from this, it contains many types of micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and abundant fiber. It contains lignans compound which helps in reducing cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, consuming flax seeds early in the morning does not make you feel hungry for a long time, due to which obesity can also be curbed.

2. Chia seeds-Chia seeds are a superfood full of all qualities. It is like flax seeds but it is full of more nutrients. Chia seeds are a treasure trove of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. It contains an antioxidant called polyphenol which reduces inflammation in the body. Due to reduction in inflammation, the risk of all kinds of chronic diseases is reduced. It also dilutes bad cholesterol and removes it from the body. Along with this, consumption of chia seeds does not let you feel hungry for a long time.

3. Pumpkin Seeds-The pumpkin seeds that we used to throw away earlier have now become a treasure trove of nutrients. Pumpkin seeds contain omega 6 fatty acids which are expert in eliminating bad cholesterol. Along with this, it strengthens the heart muscles. Pumpkin seeds also contain monosaturated fat and phosphorus. Both these compounds do not allow cholesterol to stick in the blood.

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Tags: health, health tips, Heart attack, Lifestyle

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