Adult Acne: At the age of 30, the face is full of acne, do these 5 effective things for 3 months, boils, pimples and spots will disappear from the skin

Adult Acne: At the age of 30, the face is full of acne, do these 5 effective things for 3 months, boils, pimples and spots will disappear from the skin

ways to get rid of adult acne problem: Most teenage boys and girls are troubled by the problem of acne and pimples on the face. However, this problem persists in some adults as well. People who are acne prone (adult acne), this skin problem does not leave them for a long time. Many times, due to wrong eating habits, lifestyle, lack of skin care, any physical condition etc., the problem of acne persists even at the age of 30-40. By the way, Nutritionist Kavita Devgan has told 5 effective ways to get rid of acne, which you have to follow for full 3 months. Let’s know which are these five remedies that can get rid of adult acne.

Do these 5 things to get rid of acne

1. First of all, you have to completely eliminate toxic things from your daily diet. If you consume processed food, chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes etc. excessively, then stay away from these things. Also reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. All these things cause acne.

2. If you drink 5-6 cups of coffee a day, then give up this habit as well. If you want to avoid pimples on your skin, then you will have to reduce coffee intake. Give your liver and skin a chance to rest by doing caffeine detoxification every day. Drink green tea instead.

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