Amazing..! Great job, package worth lakhs, still drives auto on the roads, know what is the compulsion of this person

Amazing..! Great job, package worth lakhs, still drives auto on the roads, know what is the compulsion of this person

Loneliness Effects On Health: Excellent job, package worth lakhs, full office… and still driving an auto after work. You were shocked to hear this, right? Yes, this is the story of Venkatesh Gupta, an engineer at Microsoft. These days you will see Venkatesh driving an auto on the streets of Bangalore. Like other auto drivers, he is picking up passengers and dropping them at their destination. He does this work on his weekly off. But do you know why? Only and only loneliness.

WHO report shows that a large number of people around the world are victims of loneliness. Even 10 percent of teenagers and 25 percent of other people are also in the grip of loneliness. According to experts, those who feel lonely suffer the same damage to their body as smoking 15 cigarettes. Apart from this, loneliness can increase the risk of heart attack, obesity, high blood pressure etc.

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