Are you troubled by hair fall? Pluck the leaves of this tree at home and then see the miracle

Are you troubled by hair fall? Pluck the leaves of this tree at home and then see the miracle

Bharatpur. Hair fall is a common problem today. Be it a woman or a man, a boy or a girl, everyone says that their hair is falling a lot. This is a big problem. The market is also full of all kinds of shampoos and oils. But home remedies are the most effective.

Nowadays everyone is worried about hair fall. Due to bad lifestyle, hectic schedule and stress, people’s hair has started falling rapidly. The problem of hair fall increases further during the rainy season. People adopt many types of home remedies to prevent hair fall. One such effective remedy is guava leaves. These prevent hair fall. Guava leaves contain antioxidants which are beneficial for hair.

A storehouse of Ayurvedic properties
Senior Ayurvedic doctor Chandra Prakash Dixit says that guava tree is full of Ayurvedic properties. The fruits, flowers, leaves of this tree are full of properties and are used. Consumption of guava leaves plays an important role in curing various types of diseases in the body. Apart from this, paste of guava leaves is very good for hair. This paste is beneficial for hair growth.

Magic is hidden in guava leaves
Dr. Dixit says that applying guava leaf paste to hair makes hair strong and shiny. Vitamin C is found in these leaves. Which can prevent the problem of hair fall. Guava leaves also contain vitamin B complex which is beneficial in hair growth. Guava leaf oil, guava leaf water and paste are very effective for hair. Applying guava leaf oil makes hair long and strong. Apart from these, guava leaf powder is also made. Which is very beneficial for hair.

Tags: Bharatpur News, Tips for Hair and Beauty, healthy hair tips, Local18

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