Are you troubled by problems like hair loss, boils on the head, these small leaves will provide relief

Are you troubled by problems like hair loss, boils on the head, these small leaves will provide relief

Bhopal. Hair fall and baldness are becoming common these days. Apart from this, pimples and boils also start appearing on the head during the rainy season. In such a situation, this remedy of neem leaves can prove to be a panacea for all problems. Medicinal neem leaves remove this problem from the root. Although neem leaves are useful in many ways. Sweet neem leaves are also used in cooking. At the same time, bitter neem also proves to be effective in many ways.

You must have often seen people brushing their teeth with neem sticks. But neem leaves can also save you from hair fall and baldness. Many problems like hair fall, baldness and boils on the head can be prevented through natural treatment. If your hair falls too much, there is no hair growth and hair comes out from the roots, then this remedy can be used. At the same time, some people also get a crust on their head, which can be cured naturally.

Prepare natural oil like this
First of all, take 200 grams of neem leaves and along with it take 200 ml of sesame oil and mix both of them and cook the oil well on low flame. After the oil is completely cooked, filter it and fill it in a bottle. Apply this oil to your hair daily before sleeping.

Apply and massage on the roots of the hair
Apply this home-made oil to the roots of the hair and massage well for about 5 minutes. After using this oil, relief is visible within 3 to 5 days. Also, problems like hair fall, baldness and boils on the head are completely eliminated within 2 to 3 months.

Tags: Bhopal news, Tips for Hair and Beauty, Latest Hindi News, Local18, Mp news

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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