Be cautious of these 5 eye infections during monsoon season, problems can increase if ignored, here are the ways to avoid them

Be cautious of these 5 eye infections during monsoon season, problems can increase if ignored, here are the ways to avoid them

Common Eye Infection in Monsoon: As soon as monsoon arrives, the humidity in the atmosphere increases. Due to humidity, bacteria, viruses, and fungi get a great time to grow in dirty places. As soon as they grow rapidly, they start troubling humans. As soon as the rainy season comes, problems like cold and cough increase, along with this, eye infections also start occurring. Eyes are a very delicate thing for us. It is very important to keep it safe. But often we ignore it. Many times a small infection in the eyes goes away on its own, but if we ignore it, we have to suffer the consequences. Eye specialist Dr. Navya C has told Indian Express about such 5 common eye infections.

5 Common Eye Infections

  1. Viral conjunctivitis-It is also called pink eye. Conjunctivitis spreads very quickly from one person to another. In this, the eyes become red and there is excessive watering from the eyes and the eyes start itching. If the infected person touches any surface, then this disease can be transmitted to others.
  2. Bacterial Conjunctivitis-It has symptoms similar to viral conjunctivitis but it is caused by bacteria. It causes yellowish discharge from the eyes. It requires taking antibiotics.
  3. Stye-When there is a stye infection, there is a lot of pain in the eyes. Red pimples appear. This is caused by bacterial infection in the oil gland. In this, the eyes get swollen and vision also starts decreasing.
  4. Fungal keratitis-This infection directly targets the cornea. Keratitis infection occurs due to fungus. In this too, pain, redness and blurred vision is seen in the eyes. In this, there is trouble with light.
  5. Dry eyes-This is not an infection but the symptoms are similar to infection. During monsoon season when the humidity increases, the eyes start drying. The humidity does not allow the water from the tear gland to evaporate. This causes the eyes to water. But the inner surface starts getting dry.

How to avoid these situations

Dr. Navya says that keep your hands clean during the monsoon season. Always wash your hands with soap. Do not share your towel, handkerchief or clothes with anyone. Pay special attention to cleanliness. Always sanitize your phone as well. If you wear lenses, clean them as well. Use protective eyewear.

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