Bridge collapsed due to flood in China’s Shanxi province, 11 people died and more than 30 missing – India TV Hindi

Bridge collapsed due to flood in China's Shanxi province, 11 people died and more than 30 missing - India TV Hindi

Image Source : REUTERS
Bridge collapsed in China (symbolic photo)

Beijing: At least 11 people died and more than 30 went missing after a highway bridge partially collapsed due to flash floods in China’s Shanxi province. The bridge collapsed at a time when people were passing by in vehicles. Due to this, many people died. The injured in the accident have been admitted to the hospital. Chinese officials gave this information on Saturday. The provincial propaganda department was quoted as saying in a report by the state news agency ‘Xinhua’ that the bridge located in Zhasui County of Shenglu City collapsed on Friday evening due to heavy rain and flash floods.

The report said that till this morning, 11 people have been confirmed dead, while more than 30 people are missing since the bridge collapsed. Due to the bridge collapse, some vehicles fell into the Jinqiao river below the bridge. According to the report, rescue teams have recovered five vehicles that fell into the river and rescue operations are underway. The exact number of vehicles that fell into the accident is being ascertained. The report said that Chinese President Xi Jinping has instructed to make every possible rescue and relief effort to save lives and property after the bridge collapse. (Language)

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