China and Pakistan will lose their arrogance…, Quad countries gave such a message, action will have to be taken

China and Pakistan will lose their arrogance..., Quad countries gave such a message, action will have to be taken

Tokyo. No matter how poor Pakistan becomes, it does not stop plotting against India. Whether it is sending terrorists to Jammu and Kashmir or committing crimes. The increased terrorist incidents in Jammu and Kashmir in the last few days are a witness to this. But now the Quad countries have warned Pakistan. America, Japan, Australia and India have warned in a joint statement that Pakistan will have to take action against terrorists like Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The Quad countries also warned China that there should not be any unilateral action which disturbs the peace of the region.

The foreign ministers of the ‘Quad’ group met in Japan. After this, a joint declaration was issued. It clearly states that action should be taken against all those terrorist groups, including Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed and their pseudo organizations, which are in the United Nations list. Indirectly referring to Pakistan, all the countries said that sending terrorists across the border should be stopped. Immediate and effective action should be taken to stop this.

How are weapons and drones reaching the terrorists?
The joint statement said, we again condemn the attacks in Mumbai on 26 November 2008, and other terrorist attacks including the Pathankot attacks. Those who carried out these attacks should be brought to justice without delay. The Quad countries expressed concern that terrorists are getting access to ultra-modern UAVs, drones and other technologies. They are digging tunnels easily.

We will tackle terrorist activities together
Not only India, but many neighboring countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh have been accusing Pakistan of sheltering terrorists. India has repeatedly said that Pakistan is nurturing terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Taiba. It is providing them funds. The Quad countries expressed concern over this. It was made clear that all countries will deal with any such action together. We will fight together to prevent, detect and counter the threats posed by terrorism and violent extremism.

Message also sent to China
The Quad countries also sent a strong message to China without naming it. They clearly said that they oppose any unilateral action by force in the East and South China Sea. If any country does such an act, then everyone will fight against it together. This is necessary to maintain peace and stability in the region.

Tags: QUAD meeting, quad summit, S Jaishankar

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