Consume any one of these 5 foods every day, blood will start flowing in every vein, there will never be a shortage of hemoglobin

Consume any one of these 5 foods every day, blood will start flowing in every vein, there will never be a shortage of hemoglobin

How to increase blood: If blood is lost from our body, we cannot survive even for a second. Blood has four parts. The first part is RBC i.e. red blood cells, the second part is WBC i.e. white blood cells. The third part is platelets and the fourth part is plasma. When there is a deficiency of blood in these, it means that there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is found in RBC. Hemoglobin captures oxygen from the lungs and delivers it to the blood and this oxygen reaches the entire body through the blood. Therefore, its importance can be understood. Often people start feeling weak and tired due to lack of blood. But if there is a deficiency of blood, it can also cause many diseases. After all, which food should be eaten to overcome this deficiency of blood.

Why does blood loss occur?
According to Healthline, 5 things are needed to increase blood. The first is iron, followed by folic acid, vitamin B12, copper and vitamin A. If there is a deficiency of these five elements, then anemia starts.

blood boosting foods

  1. Fruits and Vegetables-According to Forbes report, various types of fruits and vegetables can help in overcoming the deficiency of blood in the body. For this, beetroot, pomegranate, green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, peas, sweet potato, apricot, raisins, strawberry etc. should be consumed.
  2. Nuts and seeds-You can also increase the blood in your body by consuming nuts i.e. dry fruits and seeds. For this, almonds, cashews, pistachios, figs, sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds etc. will prove to be very beneficial.
  3. Legumes-Legume vegetables have very high fiber and minerals. They are also very healthy for the heart. For this, you should consume peas, black beans, white beans, pinto beans, lentils, soybeans, tofu etc.
  4. Whole grains-Consume any whole grain which has not been peeled. For example, if you eat things made from wheat flour, then if it is ground without peeling it, then it is pure whole grain. But if the peel is removed from it, then it becomes refined. For this, you should consume things made from wheat, corn, millet, oatsmeal, barley etc.
  5. other foods-If you are a non-vegetarian then seafood like lobster, tuna, salmon etc. will be very beneficial. Meat will also produce blood in the body.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle, Trending news

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