Delhi High Court Slams MCD, Kejriwal Govt And Police: ‘Delhi government needs to think about free schemes, how were basements built and what did the police do?’, Delhi High Court strict in coaching accident case, Delhi High Court Slams MCD Kejriwal Govt And Police over Rau IAS coaching institute accident

New Delhi. Delhi High Court has taken a tough stand on the accident at Rao IAS Coaching Center in Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi. 2 girl students and 1 boy student died in this accident. A petition demanding a high level investigation of the IAS Coaching Center accident was filed in Delhi High Court. While hearing this, the High Court asked many questions to Delhi Police and MCD. The court even said that everyone is trying to pass the buck to each other. The court made an important comment on the Delhi government and said that you need to reconsider your free schemes.

Delhi High Court’s acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela questioned the action of Delhi Police and said that a passerby was arrested in this case, is the police investigating the role of MCD officers? Delhi High Court has sought a report from the police on Thursday in this case. During the hearing on Friday afternoon, the court has also summoned the MCD Commissioner, DCP and the investigating officer of the police. Delhi High Court said that the encroachment on the drain should be removed. The court wanted to know how the basements were built and which engineer approved their construction? The court also said that what was the arrangement for draining out the water? Did even a single MCD officer go to jail?

In this case, many lawyers and the Delhi government’s lawyer put forth their side. After this, Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela said that building bylaws were relaxed without developing the structure. Many floors are built. There is no money to pay MCD employees, then what facilities will the government provide to the people. The court said that does illegal construction happen and other activities go on without the knowledge of the police? Justice Manmohan said that there is a lot of construction going on in Delhi. He said that the government has no plan. One day they complain of drought. The next day there is a flood. In a city built for 6-7 lakh people, there are more than 3 crore people. The court said that a whole market has been built in place of drainage. The Delhi government and the MCD know this, but are not talking about it. If the police does not investigate properly, then we will hand over the case to the CBI.

Delhi High Court said that there is MCD, Jal Board, PWD, but it is not known who is responsible for what. Perhaps we will have to ask the Home Ministry of the Center to consider how Delhi will run. During the hearing, the lawyer of the petitioner said that it seems as if we are living in a jungle. The lawyer said that the rules say that MCD and other departments should take action against illegal construction or ignoring the safety rules, do they not see the irregularities? Another lawyer in the same case said that negligence is happening continuously. A student also died due to electric shock. He alleged that everyone is making money through corruption. Money is taken while laying every lintel. He also alleged that MCD deliberately ignores the safety rules. He demanded the formation of a committee under the chairmanship of a retired High Court judge to investigate the Rajendra Nagar case.

At the same time, the Delhi Government’s lawyer, who appeared in the High Court, argued that efforts are made to follow the rules. He said that coaching centres are given approval only according to the building. The Delhi Government’s lawyer claimed that an inspection is conducted to issue a fire safety certificate. He told that notices have been issued to 75 coaching centres and 35 have been closed. 25 other coaching centres have been sealed. He said that several investigation committees have been formed and this is everyone’s joint responsibility. On this statement by the Delhi Government’s lawyer, the petitioner’s lawyer alleged that after the incident, only a pretense of action is being made. Nothing was done before.

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