Do only 5 things in the rain, diseases will not be able to touch you, you will enjoy the weather a lot

Do only 5 things in the rain, diseases will not be able to touch you, you will enjoy the weather a lot

Monsoon Health Tips: It is very important to take care of health during the rainy season, because many types of diseases increase during this time. In this season, the temperature is lower than in summer, but the humidity becomes very high. Due to this, people have to sweat excessively. Some special precautions should be taken to avoid diseases during the rainy season. Today we will learn such tips from the doctor, which you can follow during the rainy season to avoid diseases and enjoy this season to the fullest.

Dr Anil Bansal, former president of Delhi Medical Association and senior physician, told AnyTV That in this season, viral and bacterial infections wreak havoc. In the rainy season, the number of patients of dengue, malaria, typhoid, chikungunya and stomach infections increases. Apart from this, people also start having skin problems due to excessive sweating in the rainy season. If some methods are adopted to avoid all these problems, then people will be able to avoid diseases to a great extent. Also, they will be able to enjoy this season to the fullest.

5 tips to stay healthy in rainy season

– Special care should be taken of cleanliness during the rainy season. Do not let dirt accumulate in any corner of your house during this season and especially keep the kitchen clean. Do not let rainwater accumulate inside or around the house. This precaution helps in keeping away diseases caused by rains like malaria and dengue. By taking care of cleanliness in the kitchen, you can also avoid stomach infections.

– In this season, maximum care should be taken regarding food and drink. People should always eat fresh homemade food during rainy season. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables eaten during rainy season. Avoid buying cut fruits or vegetables. Junk food made outside should be completely avoided. This will help keep you healthy and make the immune system strong.

– People sweat a lot in the rain and due to this there is a lack of water in the body. In such a situation, people should drink the right amount of water in the rainy season. Water plays an important role in removing toxic elements from the body during the rainy season. If you do not drink water properly, toxins can accumulate in your body. In such a situation, you can detox the body by drinking water.

– It is also important to take care of the skin during the rainy season. If you sweat a lot or your skin itches, you can use powder or antifungal cream to avoid it. Apart from this, one should avoid getting wet in the rain and if one gets wet, one should bathe with clean water as soon as possible and apply moisturizer. If there are more skin problems, one should consult a dermatologist.

– Exercising during the rainy season is very important because it increases the immunity of your body. Regular exercise increases physical fitness and helps prevent diseases. If you want, you can go to the gym and exercise or you can also exercise at home to maintain good health.

Also read- Do not eat these 5 things in breakfast, otherwise it will cause great harm to health, the risk of these diseases will increase

Tags: health, Lifestyle, rainy season, Trending news

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