Do you also talk in your sleep? Try this home remedy, the problem will be solved

Do you also talk in your sleep? Try this home remedy, the problem will be solved

Abhishek Jaiswal/ VaranasiSleep talking, also known as somniloquy, is a common sleep disorder in which a person talks unconsciously while sleeping. This problem affects many people and can also cause trouble for those sleeping with them. There can be many reasons behind this problem, such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, or other sleep disorders. Experts believe that this problem can be got rid of by adopting some indigenous remedies. Sushil Kumar Vaidya, Assistant Professor of Ayurveda Department of BHU and expert on sleep disorders, has suggested some indigenous solutions for this problem.

1. Consumption of basil leaves: Basil leaves have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce stress and anxiety. Consuming basil leaves every morning keeps the mind calm and improves sleep quality.

2. Use of Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an ancient Ayurvedic herb that helps reduce stress and anxiety. Taking ashwagandha powder or capsules before bedtime can improve sleep and reduce the problem of sleep talking.

3. Drinking lukewarm milk: Drinking a glass of lukewarm milk before going to bed helps you sleep better. Tryptophan present in milk is a type of amino acid that improves sleep by increasing serotonin and melatonin levels.

4.Yoga and Pranayama : Regularly doing yoga and pranayama calms the mind and there is a proper flow of energy in the body. For this, you can do light yoga and pranayama in the evening, which reduces stress and anxiety and improves sleep.

5. An atmosphere of peace and tranquility : The sleeping environment should be calm and relaxing. Avoid bright lights, noise and other distractions. Do some meditation and sadhna before sleeping, which calms the mind and helps in getting good sleep.

6. Use of cow ghee:We can get rid of the problem of talking in sleep only by using cow ghee. For this, we should put 2 drops of pure cow ghee in the nose before sleeping. This also solves the problem of sleep talking.

Tags: health tips, hindi news, Local18

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