Doctors created history, for the first time implanted an artificial heart made of metal in a patient, it is working like a real one

Doctors created history, for the first time implanted an artificial heart made of metal in a patient, it is working like a real one

World’s first artificial heart transplant: Doctors have created a new history in the medical world by implanting a total artificial heart made of metal in a patient for the first time. This artificial heart will work like a natural heart. According to the report, doctors from Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Heart Institute have implanted the Bifacor Total Artificial Heart in a patient for the first time. This device has been designed in such a way that it can pump blood like a natural heart so that it can serve as a reliable option for patients with end-stage heart failure. After this successful implant, the ability to survive in serious heart failure patients may increase. In a way, this is an important breakthrough in cardiac technology. According to the report, the 57-year-old man was in the end stage of heart failure. An artificial heart was implanted in this patient on July 9. The US Food and Drug Administration approved the implantation of this investigational device in patients as a trial in November 2023. This trial has also been done as a study.

Will work till heart transplant
Interesting Engineering According to the report, this artificial heart will be implanted as an alternative in those heart failure patients who are waiting for a heart transplant. That is, if a patient has to undergo a heart transplant, this artificial heart is implanted as an alternative until a donor is found. After implanting this artificial heart, the patient can wait for three years for a heart transplant. In a way, this heart will work like a bridge in the meantime. This artificial heart has been made by a Houston company on the basis of magnetic levitation technology. High speed trains run on this technology.

Will work as a permanent heart in the future
Alexis Shafi, surgical director of Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, said that this is a kind of device that can work as a life saving bridge for heart transplant. At present, it works for a short time, but after future studies, it will be made capable of pumping for a long time. In this way, one day it may also happen that this heart becomes a permanent alternative to heart transplant at present. At present, we are hoping that the total artificial heart will gradually save the lives of millions of people and improve the quality of life of those patients for whom there is no other option left. Research is going on all over the world under the Artificial Heart Program. BiVACOR company is at the forefront in this regard. Last year, the Australian government provided a fund of 12 million dollars to this company for research.

How was this heart made?
This heart is made entirely of metal. Titanium has been used in it to make a vitro ventricular rotary blood pump. Along with this, there is also a moving part which is used as a magnetic levitated rotor. The rotor is used to pump blood from the ventricles. The cost of this artificial heart is currently 2 lakh dollars.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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