Does a flock of pigeons keep hovering in your balcony too? This can be a fatal disease, know what are its symptoms

Does a flock of pigeons keep hovering in your balcony too? This can be a fatal disease, know what are its symptoms

Pigeon allergy Disease: An 11-year-old boy in Delhi first had a mild cough. Initially, not much attention was paid to it. But gradually the cough became severe, so the parents got worried and he was taken to the doctor. When the doctors examined him, it was found that he had a life-threatening disease called hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The reason for this was that the boy was in frequent contact with pigeons. This respiratory disease occurs due to frequent contact with the feathers and droppings of pigeons or birds. In such a situation, can every person who is in frequent contact with pigeons get this disease? To know the answer to this question, AnyTV spoke to a pulmonologist. Dr. Karan Mehra talked to.

What is hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Dr. Karan Mehra said that hypersensitivity pneumonitis can occur due to many reasons. One of the reasons is that this disease can occur when the antigen from pigeon droppings or feathers enters the lungs through the person’s breath. This antigen causes severe allergy. Although it is minor, sometimes it becomes severe or acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Dr. Karan Mehra said that this disease does not occur at a young age, so it has to be seen in which condition this boy has got this disease. Generally, this disease occurs only after the age of 20-25 years.

Difficulties due to illness
Dr. Karan Mehra He told that if hypersensitivity pneumonitis is not treated, it can turn into an acute or chronic disease. When this happens, inflammation will start in the alveoli i.e. the small air sacs of the lungs. When the disease increases, wounds will start appearing in these sacs. This is called lung fibrosis. If the disease reaches the last stage, then the medicines start becoming ineffective and then lung transplant is the only option left. However, it has an easy treatment. Therefore, when this disease occurs, one should immediately consult a pulmonologist.

Symptoms of this disease
Dr. Mehra told that hypersensitivity pneumonitis initially occurs in the subacute stage. After this it enters the acute stage. Whereas when this allergy remains in the body forever, then it is called the chronic stage. Different symptoms are seen in all these conditions. In the beginning, there is difficulty in breathing and dry cough. Therefore, as soon as these two symptoms appear, one should immediately consult a pulmonologist. Because when the disease becomes serious, then sudden weight loss starts. Apart from this, there will be no appetite and weakness will also start. But mainly dry cough and shortness of breath are its symptoms.

Will everyone living near the pigeon get this disease?
Dr. Karan Mehra told that hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be caused by pigeon droppings. Actually, pigeon droppings contain an antigen due to which the risk of HP increases. If it is not treated properly, then this disease can gradually increase and it can lead to interstitial lung disease. In this, there can be inflammation inside the lungs and then fibrosis. If the treatment is not done and the disease reaches the acute stage, then it can even lead to lung replacement. Dr. Karan Mehra told that although this disease does not occur at such a young age. If it has occurred at the age of 11, then it has to be seen what other reasons are behind it. Usually this disease occurs only after the age of 20-25 years. However, it is not necessary that all the people who are in more contact with pigeons get this disease. Very few people can get this disease. Most people do not have this type of allergy. However, it is not necessary that everyone gets this disease. Most people do not get this disease from pigeons. However, it is also difficult to say who will have this disease and who will not.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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