Don’t compromise your mental health to keep others happy. Adopt these 4 ways to keep yourself happy

Don't compromise your mental health to keep others happy. Adopt these 4 ways to keep yourself happy

Mental Health: In today’s busy life, it becomes very difficult for a person to take out time for himself. If you think about keeping everyone happy, then this habit is not good for your mental health. Paying attention to mental health is as important as paying attention to physical health. But nowadays we all do not pay attention to this. But it is not right to ignore it. If your mental health is not good, then it is not possible for you to remain healthy. Anger and stress are the enemies of mental health, but do you know that the habit of always pleasing others can also make you a victim of many mental problems. Therefore, it should be understood that no matter how special someone is, you cannot hand over the command of your mental health to him. Pleasing means a person who is engaged in making others happy. He himself is also troubled by this habit, but is unable to leave it. You will find such people everywhere, at home, neighborhood, office. Although the purpose of pleasing is not to hurt others, but in some cases, one’s own selfishness is also hidden behind it. Many things can be held responsible for this such as an incident from a person’s childhood, emotional hurt, stubbornness to get things quickly etc. But with this habit you make others happy, but you yourself remain very upset. Today we are telling you ways to get out of this.

1. Do not hesitate to say no

Some people hesitate to say no so as not to offend others, but you will have to learn to say no, only then will you be able to get out of this habit. This may be a little difficult, but you have to think about your mental health. You will have to start with this thing.

2. Understand your priorities

First of all, understand your priorities. Think about yourself before others. Due to this ignorance, you do not even realize when you become a pleaser. Keep your needs, objectives and well-being as priority. This does not mean that you are selfish, but by keeping yourself mentally and physically strong, you can help others in a better way.

3. Set boundaries to avoid discomfort

If you are getting angry inside in an attempt to please others and are doing that work even if you don’t want to, then you are only harming yourself. So the solution to this is to set your limits. Don’t do anything beyond your capacity that hurts you.

4. It is not possible to keep everyone happy

Understand this very well. Your needs and the other person’s needs may be different. If you put your emotions aside and give priority to the other person, then it may make him happy, but if you are unhappy, then it is of no use. In the end, you are compromising with your own happiness. Self care is the most important. It is not possible for any person to keep everyone happy.

Tags: health, Lifestyle

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