Dry fruit of the poor…eliminates anemia from its roots! Every particle contains vitamins and minerals, tastes delicious too

Dry fruit of the poor...eliminates anemia from its roots! Every particle contains vitamins and minerals, tastes delicious too

Dehradun. Raisins are used in kheer and desserts. But do you know that eating raisins soaked in water has many benefits. It eliminates bad cholesterol from the body. It manages blood pressure, detoxes the liver and is beneficial for digestion. Along with soaked raisins, its water is also very beneficial.

Ayurvedic doctor Dr Siraj Siddiqui of Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand, while giving information to Local 18, said that raisins are like a multivitamin capsule in itself. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and K are found in it. Minerals like iron, potassium, copper, sodium are found in abundance in it. Soaking it in water increases its strength. You carefully soak 5 raisins in a bowl of water and leave it like this overnight. After waking up in the morning, consume these raisins and this water. Doing this daily will remove the weakness of your body. Soaked raisins are also very beneficial for gaining weight.

Soaked raisins eliminate anemia
People who have iron deficiency in their blood are called anemia. By consuming soaked raisins daily, you can avoid diseases like anemia because it contains iron. Apart from this, it is also a good source of Vitamin-B complex. By eating it, you can also fight the condition of hypertension because the potassium present in raisins improves the condition of hypertension.

Raisins are excellent for oral health
Dr. Siraj Siddiqui says that soaked raisins are also considered very good for oral health. It is beneficial for people who have toothache and cavities.

Tags: health, Local18

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