Easy way to make sprouts at home, big sprouts will come out in just 1 day – AnyTV News

Easy way to make sprouts at home, big sprouts will come out in just 1 day - India TV Hindi

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Tips for Making Sprouts

To lose weight, definitely include sprouts in the diet. Eating sprouts daily provides the body with plenty of protein. Which reduces obesity. People who follow a healthy diet consume sprouts, but most people buy sprouts from the market and eat them. Sprouts do not sprout properly at home and sometimes they start smelling bad. Some people find it a hassle to make sprouts at home. But today we are telling you a very easy way to make sprouts. With which long sprouts will come out in sprouts in a few hours. Know how to make sprouts at home?

Sprouts are considered a healthy protein source. Sprouts help in weight loss and appetite control. Most people use black gram and moong dal in sprouts.

How to make sprouts at home

  1. To make sprouts, take black gram and whole moong dal and wash them with clean water.
  2. Mix gram and moong dal or soak them separately in clean water in a vessel.
  3. Both the things have to be soaked for about 8-10 hours i.e. soak overnight.
  4. In the morning, take out both the things from the water and spread them on separate cotton clothes or muslin clothes.
  5. Now tie both the sprouts in a cloth and keep them in a warm place.
  6. Wet the cloth before placing the sprouts in it and when placing them in a warm place, keep wetting the cloth at intervals.
  7. You do not have to keep the cloth in the sun or under fan air. Store it in a closed place.
  8. You will see that after 12 hours good sprouts have emerged in moong and after about 14 hours in gram.
  9. In this way, you can easily prepare and eat sprouted sprouts at home without any hassle.
  10. Store the sprouts in an airtight container in the refrigerator and eat them throughout the week.

How to make sprouts tasty

  1. To make sprouts tasty, take out gram and moong dal in a bowl and mix them.
  2. Now add finely chopped onion, tomato, green chilli, coriander leaves to it.
  3. Mix chaat masala, lemon and salt in the sprouts. Now you can eat spicy sprouts.
  4. If you do not like the taste of raw sprouts, then you can eat it after boiling it for 1-2 whistles.
  5. You can also eat sprouts by adding finely chopped apple pieces and pomegranate seeds to them.

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