Follow this magical diet for just 2 months, the life of heart, liver and kidney will reduce, obesity will also be controlled

Follow this magical diet for just 2 months, the life of heart, liver and kidney will reduce, obesity will also be controlled

How to Reduce Biological Age of Heart: Scientists have found in a study that if a person consumes vegan diet for 8 weeks, then the biological age of organs like heart, kidney, liver, hormones can decrease. Biological age means that even though your age may increase, the capacity of your important organs will be less than the actual age. That is, if you are 50 years old, then your heart works like a 30 year old. This study has been done by researchers from Stanford University California. In the study, people were given only plant-based food for 8 weeks. After this, it was found that the age of heart, hormones, liver, inflammatory and metabolic system in these people reduced significantly.

Weight loss up to 2 kg
According to the Daily Mail report, the study also found that people who consumed vegan diet not only had a reduced age of vital organs but also lost up to two kilograms of weight. However, for four weeks, these people were given a diet with 200 calories reduced every day. Experts said that the difference in biological age may contribute more to weight loss than food. After this study, some experts believed that vegan diet is fine for a few days but if it is consumed for a long time, it can lead to a deficiency of nutrients in the body. This study has been published in BMC Medicine. 39 identical twins were included in this study. Half of these people were given vegan diet for 8 weeks while half of the people in the pair were asked to eat non-veg.

Age decreases at the DNA level

According to the study, the decrease in biological age was seen at the DNA methylation level. DNA methylation means chemical modification in DNA through which age is detected. In simple words, biological age of a person can be determined by the nature of chemicals inside the cells. The denser this chemical is, the lower the age. On the other hand, biological age means that as a person’s age increases, the capacity of the cells, tissues etc. of the person’s body decreases, but if the biological age decreases, then the working capacity of the tissue increases in contrast to the actual age. An earlier study also found that if the level of DNA methylation increases, the process of aging slows down.

what is vegan diet
Vegan diet means only plant based diet. That is, food obtained from crops grown from the womb of the earth or plants. Grains, vegetables, fruits etc. It does not include any kind of animal food i.e. non-veg, meat, fish, egg and even animal milk or milk products.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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