If diabetes gets out of control, veins can burst, manage sugar before this, know the methods from the doctor

If diabetes gets out of control, veins can burst, manage sugar before this, know the methods from the doctor

How to Manage Diabetes: Diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas produces less or no insulin hormone or becomes insulin resistant. Since insulin is the only thing that digests sugar and generates energy from it, when there is a lack of insulin, the amount of sugar in the blood increases. This is a disease in which the problem is not detected at all in the beginning. In this condition, if the blood sugar goes out of control, then this sugar starts damaging the nerves of the body. This disease is called diabetic neuropathy. In this, nerve damage starts occurring in any part of the patient’s body. About 50 percent of diabetes patients have the problem of nerve damage. Therefore, it is very important to control diabetes on time. To avoid such a situation, News 18 spoke to Dr. Paras Agarwal of Max Healthcare Gurgaon.

These signs start appearing in the body before nerve damage

According to Mayo Clinic, there are four types of diabetic neuropathy disease which show more or less the same symptoms. The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are first seen in the nerves of the hands and feet. Due to this, the hands and feet start getting numb beforehand. First of all, numbness comes in the hands. Due to high blood sugar, the walls of small blood vessels start weakening. Therefore, there is a fear of it leaking anywhere. Due to which it becomes difficult for oxygen and other nutrients to reach the organs.

7 simple tips to avoid diabetes

1. Physical Activity- Dr. Paras Aggarwal said that first of all every adult should include regular exercise in his life. There is no need to go to the gym for exercise, rather brisk exercise is enough for this. That is, if you do activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, dance, rope jumping, high jump, long jump for half an hour, then the chances of getting diabetes will be greatly reduced. Not only this, it will also prevent many other diseases.

2. Healthy Diet- Dr. Paras Aggarwal told that before having a healthy diet, understand what not to eat. The less you consume pizza, burger, fried food, fast food, junk food, packaged food, processed food, red meat, too much sweet food, too much salty food, alcohol, cigarettes, the lesser will be the risk of diabetes. Along with this, eat healthy food. The food which is cooked purely in a natural way and less oil and salt is used in it. As much as possible, seasonal green vegetables, leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, colorful vegetables and fruits containing antioxidants should be consumed.

3. Adequate water- Drinking adequate water every day can not only protect you from diabetes but can also protect you from many other diseases. So drink adequate water every day. Although there is no fixed standard for how much water should be drunk. But you should drink two liters of water throughout the day.

4. Lose weight- To avoid diabetes, lose weight at any cost. Because obesity can also cause diabetes. Excess weight is the root cause of many diseases. Therefore, lose weight at any cost. If you are not losing weight with exercise and controlled diet, then consult an expert. Losing weight is neither magic nor is it going to happen in a month or two. For this, many things have to be managed simultaneously.

5. Cigarettes and alcohol- Cigarettes and alcohol not only increase diabetes but also many deadly diseases. Therefore, avoid alcohol as much as possible. Do not smoke cigarettes or consume any kind of tobacco products.

6. Stress Management- Stress affects more than 1600 chemical reactions in the body. As soon as the stress hormone cortisol starts getting released in large quantities, it affects the metabolism badly. Therefore, to get rid of stress, take the help of yoga, meditation, walking, running etc.

7. Take enough sleep- Adequate sleep is necessary to avoid every kind of disease. If you do not get a peaceful sleep at night, then many kinds of problems will arise. Diabetes can also occur due to lack of sleep.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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