If you see these symptoms, understand that there is something wrong with your heart, consult a doctor immediately, follow these tips, you will remain healthy

If you see these symptoms, understand that there is something wrong with your heart, consult a doctor immediately, follow these tips, you will remain healthy

Kajal Manohar/Jaipur. According to the doctor, no disease comes suddenly. Every disease gives many kinds of signals before coming, but no one understands it. The same happens in the case of heart attack. Heart attack does not come suddenly, many kinds of symptoms are seen before it comes.

Heart specialist Sunil Sharma said that every person who works hard gets tired. But when you feel very tired every day without doing much hard work, then you need to be a little careful. In fact, this can be the knock of a heart attack. Actually, when the arteries of the heart get blocked or narrowed due to cholesterol, then the heart has to work harder and due to this we feel very tired.

Frequent swelling of the ankle
When the heart has to work harder to supply blood to all parts of the body, our veins open up and they start swelling from time to time. This swelling usually occurs in the toes and ankles. Sometimes this swelling also turns blue in the lips. These symptoms of swelling are quite dangerous, if such a situation occurs at least two to three times in a month, then consult a doctor without delay.

When you have a burning sensation in your chest
This is the most common symptom of a heart attack. There are many reasons for heartburn. Acidity, indigestion, etc. also cause heartburn and lead to sour burps. But this happens only occasionally. But when it is a symptom of a heart attack, you will feel that you are not just feeling burning in the chest but also feeling something different. So be careful of the burning sensation that causes discomfort in the chest.

Difficulty breathing
After a certain age, it is not unusual to feel breathless while climbing stairs. But when we start panting after climbing just 10 stairs or feel uneasy breathing even after walking half a kilometer, when we feel that our breathing pattern is changing, then understand that this is not just a matter of breathing, it may be connected to the heart. Because when the heart is not able to do its work properly, the lungs do not get as much oxygen as they should, hence breathing problems arise.

Tags: health benefits, Health News, Jaipur News, Local18, Rajasthan news

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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