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If you want to get rid of stress, then include these 4 yogasanas in your routine – AnyTV News

If you want to get rid of stress, then include these 4 yogasanas in your routine - India TV Hindi

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Yoga to get rid of stress

Yoga is not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your mental health. If you also start getting stressed over small things, then you should definitely try including some yogasanas in your daily routine. If you do such yogasanas, then you can also improve your mood to a great extent. Let us know about some such yogasanas which can prove to be effective in releasing your stress.

  • Anulom-Vilom- Anulom-Vilom is a kind of breathing exercise that can prove effective in calming your mind. After doing Anulom-Vilom, you will feel relaxed. Overall, with the help of this yogasana, you will be able to release your stress to a great extent.

  • Surya Namaskar- You can relieve your stress by starting your day with Surya Namaskar early in the morning. Surya Namaskar can have a positive effect on your mental health. According to Baba Ramdev, you can do it 4-5 times in a minute. By doing Surya Namaskar regularly every day, you will be able to feel energetic and positive throughout the day.

  • Shavasana: If you want, you can make Shavasana a part of your daily routine. You can calm your mind by doing Shavasana at any time of the day. With the help of Shavasana, you can reduce the problem of stress and anxiety to a great extent. Keep in mind that there should be peace around you while doing Shavasana.

  • Vajrasana- Vajrasana can also prove to be effective in removing your stress problem. With the help of this asana, you will be able to get a sound sleep, due to which your stress will be released.

Let us tell you that all these yogasanas can prove to be effective not only in relieving your stress but also in boosting your physical and mental health. To get better results, you should practice these yogasanas every day.

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