Insulin will start being produced automatically within 3 months, scientists have created a new medicine to defeat diabetes, the disease will be eradicated from its roots

Insulin will start being produced automatically within 3 months, scientists have created a new medicine to defeat diabetes, the disease will be eradicated from its roots

New drugs for diabetes: Scientists have invented a drug therapy that can eradicate diabetes. According to the Science Translation Medicine Journal, this revolutionary drug therapy can activate beta cells in the pancreas and increase insulin production by 700 percent. Till now it is believed that diabetes cannot be reversed but according to new research, diabetes can be reversed with this therapy. Its use on mice has been 100 percent successful. If it is successful on humans, then it will definitely be no less than a lifesaver for millions of people.

Diabetes due to damage of beta cells
Actually, if the pancreas is healthy, then the beta cells in it produce insulin properly. But if the beta cells get damaged, then the insulin production decreases. Usually beta cells get damaged or do not work. This is the reason why people who have a dangerous type of diabetes have to take insulin daily. For the past several years, research is being done to activate beta cells. In some research, work is being done on the technology of activating beta cells by redeveloping stem cells. However, all this has not become a reality till now. Now scientists from Mount Sinai and City of Hope in New York have successfully used the method of activating beta cells through drug therapy on mice.

700 percent increase in beta sales

In the new study, beta cells will be formed inside the body through the medicine. After this, within three months, there will be adequate production of insulin. According to the report, there are two medicines in this therapy – harmine which is a natural compound found in some plants and the second medicine is GLP1 receptor, which is an ozempic medicine for weight loss. Harmine weakens the DYRK1A enzyme in beta cells. This enzyme stops the production of insulin. This therapy has been successfully used on rats suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Scientists transplanted damaged human beta cells into the rat, after which it was treated with this therapy. The study found that within three months, a 700 percent increase was seen in beta cells.

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