Is India trying to stop the Ukraine war? Jaishankar himself gave the answer, PM Narendra Modi is going to visit

Is India trying to stop the Ukraine war? Jaishankar himself gave the answer, PM Narendra Modi is going to visit

Tokyo. India will put in more effort to stop the Russia-Ukraine war. Foreign Minister S Jaishankar indicated this on Monday. Jaishankar said, India will have more contact with Ukraine and Russia in the future because such contact between countries talking to both sides is very important to resolve the conflict between them. Jaishankar’s statement has come at a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to visit Ukraine next month. Earlier, he visited Russia and met President Vladimir Putin.

Jaishankar said that India’s stand has been that the conflict will not be resolved on the battlefield. He warned that letting the situation take its course and waiting for events in other parts of the world would be a wrong decision. We have to take some steps to end the crisis. During a discussion at the National Press Club of Japan, Jaishankar said, “We believe that we should be more active there.”

Will Modi visit Ukraine?
When asked whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine next month, Jaishankar said, “I can hope that there will be more contact between us and Ukraine and also between us and Russia.” However, the Foreign Minister did not fully clarify about it and said that we, like any government, clarify our position through the right means at the right time. We believe that more efforts need to be made to end the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

need to do more work
Jaishankar said, today we believe that more needs to be done to stop the Ukraine crisis. We should not accept the continuation of the current state of conflict. We should also not say that ‘let it go on its own.’ We should make immediate efforts to resolve this like the events happening in other parts of the world. Jaishankar said, given the seriousness of the situation, India is in touch with both Russia and Ukraine. Because many countries are not talking to both sides. India believes that we will do whatever we can so that both countries come out of the battlefield and come to the negotiating table.

Tags: Narendra Modi, PM Modi, russia ukraine war, S Jaishankar

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