Is your blood pressure increasing frequently? Control it with these 5 ways, heart health will be boosted

Is your blood pressure increasing frequently? Control it with these 5 ways, heart health will be boosted

Natural Ways To Control Hypertension: In today’s time, the problem of high blood pressure is increasing rapidly. People are facing this problem at a young age. Blood pressure can be a cause of trouble for people in both conditions, whether low or high. According to health experts, crores of people in the country are suffering from high blood pressure, but most of the people are not aware of this problem. In such a situation, BP can be more dangerous. Medicines are given to control blood pressure, but only medicine is not enough. It has to be controlled from food and drink to lifestyle.

Dr Anil Bansal, former president and senior physician of Delhi Medical Association, told AnyTV The normal blood pressure of all adults is 120/80 mm Hg. Systolic pressure should be 120 mm Hg and diastolic pressure should be 80 mm Hg or less. If your blood pressure is more than 120/80 mm Hg, then you may have high blood pressure. In such a condition, you should consult a doctor. One should not be careless about BP, because if BP remains high for a long time, it can damage your blood arteries and can cause many life-threatening problems including heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, poor vision, memory loss.

5 easy ways to control blood pressure

– To control high blood pressure, people should limit their salt intake. People should consume 1 teaspoon or less of salt in a day. Junk foods contain high amounts of salt, which is why junk foods should be avoided.

– Patients of hypertension or high BP should exercise for 30 to 60 minutes daily. Many researches have shown that regular physical activity can help control BP. 7-8 hours of sleep daily is also necessary to control BP.

– Stress is a risk factor for increasing blood pressure. To control BP, you should reduce the stress level. Yoga and meditation can be done for this. You can do your favorite activity or play a game. This will make it easier to reduce BP.

– Obesity can also cause increased blood pressure, as it can cause muscle injuries. It has a bad effect on heart health. To control BP, people should control their weight and consume foods rich in probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk, milk, and cheese.

do not make this mistake even by mistake

Dr Anil Bansal says that people who are prescribed blood pressure control medicines by their doctors should never skip the medicine. Many times people feel that their blood pressure is under control and they stop taking the medicine. Doing this can be dangerous and the blood pressure can suddenly shoot up. People should take the medicine regularly and along with that, lifestyle, food habits and physical activity can control the blood pressure quickly. Apart from this, BP patients should check their blood pressure daily and if there is a rapid change in it, they should consult a doctor.

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Tags: health, Lifestyle, Trending news

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