Itching is making life worse in rainy season, know from the doctor what are its causes, how to prevent it

Itching is making life worse in rainy season, know from the doctor what are its causes, how to prevent it

Skin Problems in Rainy Season: During the rainy season, outbreaks of ringworm, itching are common. There is extreme humidity during this season, due to which people’s sweat does not dry. This causes fungal infection and people suffer from itching. Many times people have to face this problem due to not wearing the right clothes. If people take care of small things, then they can avoid these problems. Today we will tell you what can cause itching during the rainy season and how to avoid it.

Assistant Professor and Dermatologist at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, UP told AnyTV The number of fungal infection patients increases during the rainy season. In this season, the humidity in the atmosphere becomes very high, which is the biggest reason for fungal infection. In this season, people sweat excessively and the body remains wet for a long time. After bathing, people’s skin and hair remain wet for several hours, which causes different types of fungal infections. Due to this infection, people get troubled by itching.

According to dermatologists, getting wet in the rain and wearing wet clothes causes fungal infection. Dandruff in hair is also a type of infection. Different types of fungal infections can occur on the back, face and chest. Tinea or ringworm is the most common fungal infection. It is also called dermatophytic infection. This infection starts in summer and spreads more in the rainy season. Apart from the skin, it also occurs in the scalp. It can also occur in the nails. Another infection is Candida, which can occur between the fingers and toes.

According to experts, apart from fungal infections, bacterial infections also start spreading in the rainy season. Due to wetness in the body, cases of pitted keratosis increase. This is an infection caused by wetness in hands and feet. There is no itching in this, but the skin of hands and feet peels off. Cases of skin allergies also increase in the rainy season, because in this season dust and dirt create problems for people. It is advisable to use anti-fungal cream and anti-fungal powder for all these infections. Antibacterial cream is given in bacterial infection.

Dr Yugal Rajput said that if people notice any symptoms of infection, they should immediately consult a dermatologist. Different creams and powders are given for these problems. Sometimes tests are also conducted to detect the infection. To avoid fungal infection, you can use over-the-counter creams, but if you do not get relief for a few days, you should consult a doctor. Negligence regarding these problems can be dangerous. This needs to be avoided.

This is how you can protect yourself from ringworm, itching

– If you get wet in the rain, change wet clothes immediately and dry them thoroughly. Keep the skin clean and dry.
– After bathing, dry the skin thoroughly and apply moisturizer on it. Do not keep the scalp wet.
– For ringworm and other fungal infections, you can use anti-fungal cream on the advice of the doctor.
– Wear clothes that allow the skin to breathe and absorb moisture. Cotton clothes should be worn in this season.
– Use a good moisturizer to moisturize the skin. Consult a dermatologist regarding this.
– If you have skin allergies, wear a mask before going out and protect your house from dust.

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Tags: health, Lifestyle, rainy season, Skin Care, Trending news

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