Know whether walking or running will be more beneficial, which one will cause more harm to obesity, which one will reduce belly fat faster

Know whether walking or running will be more beneficial, which one will cause more harm to obesity, which one will reduce belly fat faster

Walking vs. Running : If someone asks you whether winter is better or summer, or whether you like cats or dogs, it is easy to answer these questions. But if someone asks you whether walking or running is more beneficial for the body, answering this question will be a little difficult. There is no doubt that both running and walking have great benefits. Especially both these exercises are very good for cardiovascular health. Walking or running keeps blood pressure and heart rate under control. Cholesterol and blood sugar levels also decrease. Digestive power becomes stronger and muscle function is maintained. This improves memory power and thinking ability and also reduces the risk of dementia, a disease of forgetfulness. Above all, walking or running can increase the lifespan of a person. Looking at so many benefits, the question is which exercise is more beneficial.

Does walking provide all the benefits?
In a report by Cleveland Clinic, fitness trainer Dr. Karen Feeks says that you can achieve your goal by walking but you have to pay attention to some things. If you are walking and want to compare it with running, then you have to walk for a long time. For this, you have to walk at a fast pace for at least half an hour to 45 minutes. If you compare it with running, then to burn the same calories, you have to walk 30 percent more than running. For example, to compare running at a fast pace, you have to walk three and a half kilometers at a fast pace. The faster you walk, the more you will be able to compete with running. Walking is the simplest form of exercise that anyone can do. Anyone can include it in their daily routine. Walking keeps your mental health good and you are happier.

Benefits of running
Running has many more benefits. If you have less time, then running is the best exercise for you. But before running, you must be completely healthy. At the same time, starting running suddenly can also prove to be harmful. If you are healthy and want to run, then start with a walk and gradually increase the speed in 10-15 days. When the stamina increases, then start running. Running definitely has more benefits. Running burns more calories. Along with this, the rate of maximum oxygen consumption also increases. That is, your lungs become capable of absorbing more oxygen. Oxygen consumption is the biggest benefit of running. Running strengthens your bones and muscles. This increases bone density.

Who is better at running or walking?
As mentioned above, both have their own benefits. If your age is less than 40 years, then running will definitely be better for you. But if you are older, then walking is also no less beneficial. If you want to burn the same number of calories as is spent during the period of running, then you will have to walk for a longer time. On the other hand, if you run in the wrong way, then there is a risk of bone injury. On the other hand, if you walk and there is no speed in it, then there is no benefit in that either. However, if done correctly, both walking and running will benefit the overall health. This reduces the risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle, weight loss

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