Make this recipe of Moong Dal Idli for children, the dish is full of taste as well as nutrition – AnyTV News

Make this recipe of Moong Dal Idli for children, the dish is full of taste as well as nutrition - India TV Hindi

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Moong Dal Idli Recipe

Do you also want to make some tasty and healthy dish for your child in lunch? If yes, then the recipe of Moong Dal Idli can prove to be a perfect option for you. By eating Moong Dal Idli, your children will feel energetic throughout the day. Let’s know about the recipe of Moong Dal Idli.

First step- To make Moong Dal Idli, first of all you have to soak one cup of moong dal for about 2 hours.

Second step- Now filter it and put the soaked lentils in the blender and prepare a fine-smooth paste.

Third step- After this, you have to beat this fine paste of moong dal thoroughly with half a cup of curd.

Fourth step- Now heat two spoons of oil on a pan and add half spoon of black mustard, one spoon of cumin seeds, one spoon of gram dal, two green chillies cut in the middle, ginger and 6 finely chopped cashews.

Fifth step- After this, put the chopped carrots on the pan and fry everything well. Add this seasoning to the moong dal paste and add asafoetida and salt and whisk it.

Sixth step- You can also add half a spoon of baking soda or Eno to make the batter rise.

Seventh step- Pour the paste into the idli mould and steam cook on low flame for about 15 minutes.

Eighth step- This tasty idli made from moong dal can be served with chutney.

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