Miraculous Chyavanprash! Add it to tea, it will enhance the taste, body will become strong like iron, diseases will go away

Miraculous Chyavanprash! Add it to tea, it will enhance the taste, body will become strong like iron, diseases will go away

Palamu: Diseases also attack during the rainy season. There is a possibility of infection in this season. In such a situation, many people consume Chyawanprash of branded companies. But, today we tell you about an Ayurvedic Chyawanprash, which you can also eat with tea. This Chyawanprash also protects from cold and cough as well as infection.

This Ayurvedic Chyawanprash made by Palamu’s Ayurveda expert Shiv Kumar Pandey is amazing. Shiv Kumar Pandey has made more than 200 Ayurvedic medicines so far. Shiv Kumar told Local 18 that this Chyawanprash is fragrant and tasty. You can use it daily. This will protect you from cold, cough and infection.

use it like this
He further said that you can use this Chyavanprash three times a day. For this, you do not have to take a spoonful of it, rather you have to use this Chyavanprash equal to a gram seed. This will refresh your body. If you use this much gram seed in tea, then it is beneficial for you. It also enhances the taste of tea. It also keeps your health better.

This is how it gets ready
Shiv Kumar told that making Chai Chyawanprash takes a long time and a long process. According to Ayurvedic texts, essence is prepared. This Chyawanprash is prepared using this. This Chyawanprash is prepared by preparing essence of cloves, cinnamon, dry ginger, peepal, black pepper, nutmeg, mace, small cardamom, big cardamom, cashew, pistachio, Kashmiri almond, walnut, raisins, raisins, figs, dates. After this, this Chyawanprash is prepared in two months.

Rs 3200 per kg rate
He further said that the price of this Chyavanprash is Rs 3200 per kg, which you can easily order online. Apart from this, you can buy it by coming to Redma near Ranchi Road. For more information, you can contact 8789101495.

Tags: health benefits, Local18, Palamu news

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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