Now the heart of Anita of Balotara will beat for Pooja of Sikar, know what happened?

Now the heart of Anita of Balotara will beat for Pooja of Sikar, know what happened?

Jodhpur. Death is certain for every person born in this world. Every human being has to leave this world by leaving this body. But there are some people who make their death a festival. Even while leaving this world, they fulfill the hopes of many families. Anita, a resident of Sindhari area of ​​Balotara, has also become such a person. Anita left this world on Sunday but before leaving, she gave life to four people.

Actually, Anita had an accident recently. In this accident, Anita’s innocent child and she herself were seriously injured. After first aid, Anita was admitted to AIIMS Jodhpur. There the doctors declared her brain dead. There was no hope left for Anita’s recovery. In such a situation, Anita’s husband Thakuraram and her father decided to donate Anita’s organs.

these organs were donated
After the consent of the family members, Anita’s heart, both kidneys and liver were removed from her body. After that the heart and one kidney were sent from Jodhpur to Jaipur. While one kidney and liver were transplanted to a needy person at AIIMS Jodhpur.

Sent by creating a green corridor
After Anita’s heart was removed from her body, the doctors and the district administration together took it from AIIMS to Jodhpur airport by creating a green corridor. From there, Anita’s heart was immediately sent to SMS Hospital Jaipur by air. After that, the heart was taken there by creating a green corridor from Jaipur Airport to SMS. Anita’s heart has been transplanted to Pooja Sain of Sikar. Pooja was waiting for an organ transplant for the last two years. This heart transplant was done on 34-year-old Pooja Sain in the Bangar unit of SMS Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Rajkumar Yadav.

AIIMS doctors gave inspiration
AIIMS Executive Director Professor Dr. Govardhan Dutt Puri talked to Anita’s family about donating her organs. He told that he tested Anita twice for brain death and both the results came negative. After this, he talked to Anita’s husband and father and explained to them that Anita is brain dead. Anita’s organs should be donated before other organs in her body stop working. Accepting the advice, her family agreed to it.

Will be useful in giving life to four people
Doctor Govardhan Dutt Puri said that these organs of Anita will be used to give life to four people. Earlier also the family members of a brain dead man had donated the organs. Even then those organs were sent to Jaipur. Apart from this, once a kidney was brought from outside to Jodhpur. It was transplanted here.

(Input- Hitendra Sharma)

Tags: Jodhpur News, Organ Donation, Rajasthan news

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