Now the stiffness of shoulders and back will go away..! Just do these 4 special yogasanas every day, the pain will go away forever

Now the stiffness of shoulders and back will go away..! Just do these 4 special yogasanas every day, the pain will go away forever

Yoga For Shoulder Pain: The problem of shoulder and back pain is being seen a lot in those who work on the computer by sitting in one place for hours. In this situation, many people also get stiffness in the back and shoulder, which becomes very painful. People try many measures to get rid of this. Despite this, this pain does not go away easily. But, do you know that this problem can be overcome with the help of some special yogasanas? Yes, by doing these yogasanas early in the morning, stiffness and pain of shoulders and back can be eliminated forever. Now the question is, which yogasanas can relieve stiffness of shoulders and back? What is the right way to do these yogasanas? Delhi’s Dr. A.K. Singh is giving information about this to AnyTV. Yoga trainer Shashank Gupta-

Start your day like this: According to yoga trainer Shashank Gupta, to keep the body fit, you should start your day with yoga and stretching. If you work sitting for a long time, then take short breaks in between and stretch your body. By doing this, you can get rid of stiffness in the shoulders and back.

With the help of these yogasanas, stiffness of shoulders and back will go away

Camel Pose: According to Shashank Gupta, do Ushtrasana to remove stiffness of shoulders and back. To do this, kneel on the yoga mat and keep the hands on the hips. Now bend the back and slide the palms on the feet until the arms become straight. However, do not strain the neck. Then, exhale and slowly come back to the starting posture.

Dhanurasana: Dhanurasana is also the best option to get relief from shoulder and back pain. To do this, first lie down on your stomach. Now bend your knees and hold your ankles with your palms. Keep in mind that your grip should be strong at this time. After this, lift your legs and arms up as per your capacity. Now look upwards and stay in this posture for some time.

Marjari Asana: To do this asana, first spread a mat. Now kneel on it. Then bend forward and place your hands on the ground. Keep your arms and thighs straight in this position. Now take a deep breath, press your back inwards and look up towards the sky. Stay in this position for 4 to 5 seconds. Exhale slowly, lift your back up and let the stomach contract.

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Shalabhasana: To do this, lie down on your stomach and place your palms under your thighs. After this, breathe properly and pause for a while. Then lift your legs up together. Keep in mind that your knees should be straight and feet should be together. Now place your chin or forehead on the ground. Stay in the posture for 10 seconds, slowly come back to the starting posture.

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Tags: benefits of yoga, health benefits, health tips, Lifestyle

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