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Paid the price of friendship with the tailor, had physical relationship with him many times, then abortion

Paid the price of friendship with the tailor, had physical relationship with him many times, then abortion

Thane. Often such incidents happen in love, which even the family members are not able to think about, let alone the police administration. Such cases later become very explosive and the result is also very serious. A similar case has come to Thane Police of Maharashtra. The victim has accused her male friend of rape. The police have registered a case and arrested the accused person.

A 28-year-old man has been arrested from Jogeshwari area of ​​Mumbai in Maharashtra for repeatedly raping a young woman and then forcing her to have an abortion. A Thane police official gave this information on Sunday. An official of the Rabodi police station said that the accused has been identified as Riyasat Ilyas Qureshi and he is a tailor by profession.

There was an uproar due to the death of 21 newborn babies in a month, Thane’s Kalwa Hospital gave this statement

We got acquainted two years ago
Ilyas Qureshi and the victim met about 3 years ago. The police officer said that the accused befriended the 24-year-old victim and raped her several times between February 2022 and January 2024 by promising marriage. It is alleged that later the man refused to marry her. The police officer further said that the accused refused to marry the girl, after which she lodged a complaint. Accused Ilyas Qureshi has been taken into custody.

murder of girlfriend
The body of a minor girl was found in a sugarcane field in Sardhana area of ​​Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. The dead girl was identified. Meerut police arrested a youth named Haseen, who was from the same village as the girl. Haseen and the girl were in a love relationship. When the police took Haseen into custody and interrogated him strictly, he spilled the beans. During police interrogation, Haseen told that the girl used to blackmail him and demand money. In one and a half years, he had given the girl about Rs 2.50 lakh. Apart from this, Haseen told the police that he does not do any work. He used to sit at the shop with his brother. He was facing difficulty in arranging money every time. Troubled by these things, he had conspired to murder his girlfriend.

Tags: Crime News, mumbai news, Thane news

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