Saw Titanic sinking, saw World War II battles in front of her, woman who is alive for 115 years tells the secret of her long life

Saw Titanic sinking, saw World War II battles in front of her, woman who is alive for 115 years tells the secret of her long life

Tips For Longevity: Only a few people are fortunate enough to remain healthy and alive for a long time. America’s oldest woman Elizabeth Francis is also included in this lucky list, who celebrated her 115th birthday this week. On this special day, she has also shared tips for living long and being happy. Elizabeth lives in Houston, America. She has seen everything from World War I to the sinking of the Titanic ship. According to The Guardian, she has confirmed her place as the fourth oldest living person in the world. She has also received the distinction of being the oldest living American.

According to The Guardian, 115-year-old Francis witnessed the Great Depression, the first airplane flight across the Atlantic and the tenure of 20 presidents from William Howard Taft to Joe Biden. Francis now lives with her daughter and likes to watch a lot of TV shows together. Let us tell you that Francis was given the title of the country’s oldest person in February, before this record was held by Eddie Ceccarelli. Ceccarelli died in California a few weeks after his 116th birthday.

What is the secret of survival of the oldest woman?
The Chief Executive Officer of LongeviQuest described Elizabeth Francis as ‘America’s grandmother’ and said that she has seen a lot in 115 years. In the Washington Post, she said just a single line to live long and happily. He said, “Speak your mind and don’t hold your tongue.” Apart from this, Francis’s eldest granddaughter said, we all know that someday we have to punch that last ticket, so we are surprised and grateful that she is still with us. Francis was born in 1909 in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. She raised her 95-year-old daughter as a single mother. Ran a coffee shop in Houston and preferred to walk instead of driving.

Birthday is celebrated with pomp
Francis’ granddaughter Harrison asked her how she felt about turning 115. Then she smiled and thanked God and said, “I am here and the rest of our family feels the same.” Harrison said that she feels great about ordering a cake for her grandmother’s birthday every year, knowing that yes, she is still with us. It is worth celebrating.

Tags: America News, Health, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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