Should you check blood pressure while lying down? The doctor told the correct way to measure BP

Should you check blood pressure while lying down? The doctor told the correct way to measure BP

Best Way To Measure Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is important to keep our body functioning smoothly. Normal blood pressure levels can help maintain our heart health. If the blood pressure becomes lower or higher than normal, then a problem arises. A large number of people are suffering from high blood pressure these days. This is the reason why everyone should check their blood pressure from time to time. If a person’s BP is low or high, then a doctor should be consulted. If people are careless in this, they can get into trouble.

Dr. Sonia Rawat, Director, Preventive Health Department, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, told AnyTV Nowadays, digital machines are available to measure blood pressure. If we talk about BP, then the systolic pressure of all adults should be 120 mm Hg and diastolic pressure should be up to 80 mm Hg. If it is less or more than this, people start complaining of hypotension and hypertension. People can check their BP at home with a digital machine and if it is found to be abnormal, then they should consult a doctor for a check-up.

Dr. Sonia Rawat said that it is easy to check blood pressure through a digital machine, but a person should check BP in the right position. Many people start checking BP while lying down, while many people check blood pressure while standing. By doing this, they will not be able to know the correct reading of their BP and this may create difficulty in detecting the problem of BP. In the present times, the lifestyle and eating habits of people have deteriorated, due to which the problem of high BP is increasing rapidly.

Experts said that to check BP, people should sit straight on a chair and during this time your feet should be on the floor. People should keep a table in front of the chair and it should be equal to the height of the heart. Usually blood pressure is checked with the left arm. However, you can also check blood pressure with the right hand. Keep your left hand on the table and then check BP. This will give you the correct reading of BP. People who are not in a condition to sit, their blood pressure can also be checked while lying down. This may change the reading slightly.

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Tags: health, Lifestyle, Trending news

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