Tea bags can prove to be very useful, don’t make the mistake of throwing them away, you can use them like this – AnyTV News

Tea bags can prove to be very useful, don't make the mistake of throwing them away, you can use them like this - India TV Hindi

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Tea Bags

Most people throw away tea bags filled with tea leaves after using them once. For your information, let us tell you that tea bags can be reused. For the first time, use tea bags to make tea and then you can reuse them to get rid of some household problems. Believe me, you will be surprised to know about these ways of using tea bags.

  • Can clean utensils- You can also use tea bags used once to wash utensils. To remove stubborn stains on utensils, first put the utensils in hot water. Now put tea bags in this water and then leave the dirty utensils in this water overnight. Wash the utensils the next morning and get sparkling utensils.

  • Can be used as an air freshener- If you want, you can also use tea bags as air fresheners. After drying the used tea bags in the sun, add a few drops of your favorite oil in it and use homemade air freshener.

  • Get rid of the problem of blisters- If you have blisters in your mouth, then keep the used tea bag in the fridge and then apply the cold tea bag on the blistered area.

  • The smell of the fridge will go away- Sometimes a strange smell starts coming from the fridge. If you also want to remove this smell coming from the fridge, then keep used tea bags in any corner of the fridge and see the positive effect yourself.

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