Terrible violence erupted in Pakistan, 36 people killed, 162 injured, know the whole matter – AnyTV News

Terrible violence erupted in Pakistan, 36 people killed, 162 injured, know the whole matter - India TV Hindi

Image Source : AP
Violence in Pakistan.

Pakistan, the country that nurtures terrorism, is itself in a bad state. There has been a major violence between two tribal groups in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region. So far 36 people have been reported dead in this violence. At the same time, hundreds of people have also been injured. Officials have said that fierce clashes started between the two groups five days ago. Weapons were also used in this clash.

How did the violence erupt?

According to local officials in Pakistan, this armed conflict broke out between two tribal groups over a piece of land in the Kurram district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 36 people were killed and 162 injured in the violence. Officials have said that this village has previously witnessed deadly clashes between tribes and religious groups as well as communal clashes and terrorist attacks.

What did the police say?

Regarding the entire violence, police said that 36 people were killed and 162 others were injured in tribal violence in the last five days in Kurram district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa bordering Afghanistan. This incident took place in Boshera village of Upper Kurram district.

Firing still continues

Officials have said that with the help of tribal elders, army leadership, police and district administration, an agreement was reached between Shia and Sunni tribes in Boshera, Malikel and Dandar areas some time ago. However, firing is still going on in some other parts of the district. At the same time, an official said that efforts are being made to bring about a ceasefire in the remaining areas as well. (input language)

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