Terrorist organization ISIL-K is plotting a horrific conspiracy in India: UN report – AnyTV News

Terrorist organization ISIL-K is plotting a horrific conspiracy in India: UN report - India TV Hindi

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Terrorist (symbolic picture)

A United Nations report has made some shocking statements. The report says that the terrorist group ‘Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant-Khorasan’ (ISIL-K), despite not being able to carry out large-scale attacks in India, wants to recruit fighters through its masters based in this country who can carry out attacks alone. The 34th report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team on ISIL, Al Qaeda and its associated individuals and organizations was released here on Tuesday. It says that member countries have expressed concern that terrorism originating from Afghanistan will cause insecurity in the region.

Terrorists have their eyes on India

“Despite its inability to carry out large-scale attacks in India, ISIL-K, through its handlers in the country, is looking to recruit people who can carry out lone attacks. The terror group has released a booklet in Urdu outlining its strategy with regard to India, fuelling Hindu-Muslim hatred,” the report said. It said ISIL-K remains the most serious threat in the region, spreading terror beyond Afghanistan, while “al-Qaeda exercises strategic restraint” and prioritises its ties with the Taliban.

The number of ISIL-K terrorists has increased

According to the report, support and cooperation has increased between the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP), the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). They are sharing training camps in Afghanistan and carrying out more deadly attacks under the banner of Tehreek-e-Jihad Pakistan (TJP). It said, “TTP may transform into a safe haven for other terrorist groups. In the medium term, the possible merger of TTP and AQIS could increase the threat against Pakistan and eventually India, Myanmar and Bangladesh.” Some member countries have estimated that the number of ISIL-K fighters has increased from 4,000 to 6,000. (Language)

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