‘Terrorists will either stay in jail or go to hell’, the government made its stand clear on terrorism – AnyTV News

'Terrorists will either stay in jail or go to hell', the government made its stand clear on terrorism - India TV Hindi

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Nityanand Rai clarified his stand on terrorism

New Delhi: Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai made the government’s stand clear on the recent terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, saying that terrorists will either be sent to jail or they will go to hell. Replying to a supplementary question asked by Congress MP Pramod Tiwari, the minister said that terrorists will not succeed in their designs and their activities will end soon. He said that the government’s policy is to have zero tolerance towards terrorism and “terrorists will either be in jail or they will go to hell.”

Since the abrogation of Article 370, the army has killed 900 terrorists

Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai also informed during the Question Hour in Rajya Sabha that since the removal of Article 370, which gave special status to the state, in August 2019, the Indian Army has killed more than 900 terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. Expressing his resolve to completely end terrorism, he said that 28 terrorists have been killed in Kashmir in the last few days. He admitted, “Some of our soldiers have also lost their lives in terrorist attacks.” In response to a supplementary question, he said that the number of terrorist incidents between 2004 and 2014 was 7217, while from 2014 to 21 July 2024, 2259 such incidents have taken place “which should not have happened. Politics should not be done on this. The policy of the Narendra Modi government at the Center is to not tolerate terrorism at all and terrorists will either remain in jail or go to hell.”

Favorable environment in Jammu and Kashmir

Rai said that from 2004 to 2014, the number of security forces and civilians who lost their lives in terrorist attacks was 2829 which has reduced by 67 percent to 941 in the last ten years. He said that today Jammu and Kashmir has a favorable environment, schools and colleges are opening, business is growing and infrastructure is being developed.

Two crore 11 lakh tourists reached Kashmir in 2023

Pramod Tiwari of Congress said that tourists visiting Kashmir are concerned about their safety. Terrorist attacks create anxiety in the minds of tourists. In such a situation, what arrangements have been made for the safety of tourists there. On this, Rai said that the visit of two crore 11 lakh tourists to Kashmir in 2023 shows that there is a security situation there. He said that before 2014, tourists were afraid to go to Kashmir. The development package is not only fulfilling the immediate needs there but development is also taking place there. From higher education institutes to infrastructure is being built there. Rai said that the development package is also benefiting the local people and the refugees from Pakistan.

Efforts continue for the return of Kashmiri Pandits

In response to a supplementary question about Kashmiri Pandits, Nityanand Rai said that Kashmiri Pandits had migrated from the valley due to atrocities in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that vote bank politics and conspiracy were the main reasons for the migration of Kashmiri Pandits from there. Rai said that efforts are being made for the return of Kashmiri Pandits to the valley. Out of 6000 vacant posts, more than 5700 posts have been filled and the remaining 206 posts will be filled soon. In 2015, under the PM package, approval was given for construction of 6000 transit houses in various districts of the valley. Out of these, 2088 flats have been built and the construction of the remaining is in progress.

Efforts continue to promote tourism

He said that arrangements have been made for the return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits. Under this initiative taken for their rehabilitation, they were to be appointed on 6000 posts, out of which appointments have been made on 5724 posts and appointments are being made on the remaining 276 posts. In response to another supplementary question, Rai said that two crore 11 thousand tourists visited Kashmir in 2023. He said that there is an atmosphere of peace there and deep attention is being paid to security, cleanliness and other issues. He said that he himself had gone to Srinagar a few days ago. He said that the administration there is taking full care of the tourists coming to the state and instructions have also been given in this regard by the Home Ministry. Rai said that the government is making many efforts to promote tourism there. (input language)

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