The risk of asthma attack will be reduced..! Lungs will also get stronger if asthma patients eat these 5 things, see diet chart

The risk of asthma attack will be reduced..! Lungs will also get stronger if asthma patients eat these 5 things, see diet chart

Diet for asthma patients: It is a big challenge to stay healthy in today’s busy life. Due to bad lifestyle, many diseases are making people their victims. Asthma is one such disease. Yes, long-term asthma is such a disease that injures a person from inside. A person is completely broken from inside due to an asthma attack. In such a situation, asthma patients need more care. Along with proper treatment of people suffering from breathing problems, it is very important to take care of diet. In such a situation, the question is what should be the diet of asthma patients? Why do asthma attacks occur? What are the problems? Apollomedics Super Specialty Hospital Lucknow is giving information about this to AnyTV. Senior Dietician Preeti Pandey-

Causes and complications of asthma attack

Mayoclinic According to the report, asthma patients face many problems like difficulty in breathing, chest pain, cough and wheezing. On the other hand, if we talk about asthma attack, then its main reason is the mucus present in the body and narrow windpipe. But, apart from this, there can be many external causes of asthma attack. If such problems increase, a sudden attack of asthma can occur. In such a situation, these patients are advised to take inhalers.

What should be the diet of asthma patients

Vitamin-C Foods: According to dietician Preeti Pandey, asthma patients should consume foods rich in vitamin C. Actually, vitamin C contains antioxidants in adequate amounts, which helps in protecting the lungs and making them stronger. For this, include orange, broccoli, kiwi in the diet. By consuming these vitamin C-rich things, the risk of asthma attack can be reduced.

Honey-cinnamon: Although people should consume honey and sugar in limited quantity. But, consumption of honey and cinnamon is beneficial for asthma patients. For this, mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 2 to 3 pinches of cinnamon before sleeping at night. By doing this, the lungs will get relief to a great extent.

Basil leaves: Basil leaves are also beneficial in asthma. Actually, anti-oxidant properties are found in abundance in basil. For this, adding 3-4 basil leaves in tea and drinking it can reduce the risk of attack in asthma patients. Also, basil boosts immunity, which prevents seasonal diseases.

Lentils: Pulses are one of the best sources of protein. For this, things like black gram, moong dal, soybean can be consumed. Let us tell you that these pulses strengthen the lungs and protect against infection. Apart from this, the consumption of pulses also strengthens the digestive power.

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green vegetables: Consumption of green vegetables is also beneficial for the lungs. Let us tell you that by consuming green vegetables, phlegm does not accumulate in the lungs, which reduces the risk of asthma attacks for asthma patients. Apart from this, consuming green vegetables also improves the immune system.

Tags: health benefits, Health News, health tips, Healthy Diet, Lifestyle

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