The secret to make hair strong and shiny has been found, it will be done with just a handful of things, no need to spend money

The secret to make hair strong and shiny has been found, it will be done with just a handful of things, no need to spend money

Secret of Healthy Hair: Wavy hair enhances the personality of anyone. But nowadays people start losing hair before the age of 30. Most men also become victims of baldness. There can be many reasons for premature hair fall. From family genes to environment can also be responsible for this but in many cases the person himself is responsible. Due to wrong lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, hair starts falling prematurely. In such a situation, if you also want to make your hair strong and shiny, then for this you will definitely need a handful of rice.

In this way rice water makes hair strong
Cleveland Clinic Dermatologists Dr. Shilpi Khetrapal and Alok Vij tell that with the help of rice you can make your hair strong and silky. Both doctors told that rice water can make hair very strong. Rice water means that either soak the rice in water or boil the rice in water. After this, the remaining water has to be applied to the hair. Rice water is starchy. It contains many types of nutrients. Dr. Alok Vij told that starch acts as a conditioner on the hair. It penetrates the outer layer of the hair, the outer follicles i.e. cuticles and nourishes the hair. When many hairs collide together, the hair becomes weak in this friction, but rice water forms a layer on the cuticles due to which the hair does not become weak due to friction. Apart from this, rice water contains inositol antioxidant which acts as an agent for hair growth. Along with this, rice water contains many types of vitamins which do not allow hair to fall.

How to make Rice Water
You can use rice water in many ways for your hair. For this, put rice in a pony and leave it for half an hour. Then mash it. Now wash your hair with this water. Secondly, you can also boil this rice in water. However, if you leave a handful of rice to soak in water for the whole day or night and apply it on your hair in the morning, it will be more beneficial. Dr. Shilpi Khetrapal says that if you choose the option of hot water, then some of the nutrients may be lost. On the other hand, if you soak it in water for a long time, then there will be a fear of bacteria growing in it. Dr. Khetrapal says that people who have inflammation in the scalp should not use rice water.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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