There will be no need for doctors and medicines, follow these easy tips to stay healthy and fit

There will be no need for doctors and medicines, follow these easy tips to stay healthy and fit

Jaipur. In today’s time, maintaining good health is becoming a problem. Due to people being busy in their work, their inclination is increasing towards junk food instead of healthy diet. CMHO Dr. Ashwini Vaishnav says that junk food can fill the stomach but the body does not get nutrition. The result is that the body becomes obese and gradually many diseases start surrounding it prematurely.

Medical officer Dr. Ashwini Vaishnav said that obesity is the main root of all diseases. You can get rid of obesity by paying proper attention to your diet and taking nutritious food. To stay away from obesity and diseases, consume fried food as little as possible. It harms the body. Use minimum oil while cooking food.

Eat porridge and fresh fruit
Potato, bread, pizza, burger, pasta should not be consumed in excess. Instead, consume porridge and fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities. Apart from this, Dr. Ashwini said that do not make a habit of filling your stomach by eating anything. Whenever you feel hungry, you can fill your stomach by eating nutritious snacks. Food with high calories increases weight, but nutrients are not helpful in increasing weight. Eat more fiber-rich food and buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

Reduce your intake of canned food
The quantity of essential nutrients is written on packaged food items. Read them carefully before buying. The manufacturing and expiry dates should also be checked carefully on the label. Apart from this, packaged juices, candies, sodas etc. have high calories, so avoid them. It is better to drink fresh juice or consume curd lassi. Eat something in small quantities four to five times a day. This will provide sufficient energy to the body and the blood sugar level will also remain stable.

Tags: health news, Local18, Rajasthan news

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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