These 10 habits are ruining your health, you too are a victim of many of them, know their dangerous effects

These 10 habits are ruining your health, you too are a victim of many of them, know their dangerous effects

10 Bad Habits Ruining Your Health: Do you drink coffee as soon as you wake up in the morning, nothing can be done without drinking coffee or you often breathe through your mouth. If you have such habits then be careful because these habits can ruin your health. Of course, you may not know anything immediately but it will harm you in the long run. You can become a victim of many diseases. Many of these habits are such that every person in today’s era is in their clutches. In a report by Daily Mail, South Carolina physician Chris Boettcher has told about such bad habits on social media which give you everything from obesity to mental problems.

FIRST PUBLISHED : July 16, 2024, 17:59 IST

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