These 7 symptoms are seen when there are worms in the stomach, if you also have any of these problems, then immediately adopt these 5 remedies

These 7 symptoms are seen when there are worms in the stomach, if you also have any of these problems, then immediately adopt these 5 remedies

Warning signs of stomach worms: Nowadays no one has much time for themselves. Today’s lifestyle and bad eating habits have a very bad effect on people’s health. Due to which many times stomach related problems also occur. Sometimes problems like severe pain, stomach infection and frequent cramps are also included. Along with all this, vomiting, loss of appetite and weakness can be felt.

Actually, all these problems can be caused by stomach worms. However, most of the time people are not aware of this and keep ignoring it thinking it to be normal. If the treatment of stomach worms is delayed, then it causes a lot of harm to your health. Therefore, it is very important to identify these symptoms on time.

If there are worms in the stomach then these 7 symptoms are visible

1. Persistent nausea and vomiting
This can be due to infection from feces or drinking contaminated water. This is normal in children and people who do not take care of cleanliness at all. In such a situation, nausea and vomiting occur from time to time.

2. Excessive grinding of teeth
Tapeworm is also a type of stomach worm that can cause infection. It starts eating all the nutrition in your body which causes weakness and due to this some people start grinding their teeth.

3. Stomach ache
Any worm in the stomach spoils your metabolism. Along with this, it affects the digestive enzymes and causes pain in the stomach.

4. Itching in the rectum
People who have worms in their stomach may have itching in their rectum. Actually, worms are small eggs and when they start growing, they reach the rectum and start itching.

5. Sudden weight loss
Actually, when there are worms in the stomach, they eat the food you eat, in a way they eat your nutrition and due to which you start becoming weak and thin.

6. Appearance of white dots in the stool
When the worms in the stomach start growing, something like white dots starts appearing in the stool. This is similar to the presence of blood in the stool. In such a condition, you should immediately consult a doctor.

7. Weakness and headache
Weakness and headache can occur due to many reasons but sometimes it can be due to worms in the stomach. Actually, stomach worms eat the body’s nutrition, the lack of which can cause weakness and headache.

These are 5 home remedies for this problem

1. Celery

Mix celery powder and jaggery to make a tablet and eat it twice a day. Antibacterial elements are found in celery which kills insects. Use it continuously for 5-6 days.

2. Pomegranate

Dry the pomegranate peels and make its powder. Take 1 spoon of this powder 3 times a day. This remedy is very beneficial for both children and adults.

3. Neem leaves

Neem leaves contain anti-bacterial elements which kill stomach worms. Grind neem leaves and mix honey in it and drink it to kill stomach worms. Consume it in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. Garlic

Grind garlic and make chutney and eat it. Mix rock salt in garlic chutney and eat it every morning and evening. This is a good remedy for both children and adults.

5. Tomatoes

In case of stomach worms, cutting tomatoes and adding rock salt and black pepper powder to it and consuming it is also beneficial.

Tags: health, Lifestyle

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