These changes in skin color are symptoms of black jaundice, know the cause and prevention measures

These changes in skin color are symptoms of black jaundice, know the cause and prevention measures

Dehradun. In our daily life, we consume many things which cause many stomach diseases. We ignore some common symptoms like fatigue, stomach ache and yellowing of the eyes. It can be so severe that a person reaches the stage of black jaundice, colon cancer and then liver transplant and it is difficult to save him. Black jaundice is a dangerous viral infection of the liver. It is caused by hepatitis B and C viruses.

Dr. Mayank Gupta, Senior Consultant of Gastroenterology at Max Hospital in the capital Dehradun, told Local 18 that black jaundice is a dangerous viral infection of the liver. It is caused by hepatitis B and C viruses. Due to infection of hepatitis B and C viruses, the level of bilirubin in the body increases. This condition is called jaundice. If treatment is not done on time, the infection starts increasing. This is called black jaundice. In the year 2022, 1.3 million people died of hepatitis B and C worldwide. This means that every 30 seconds one person is dying due to this dreaded disease.

The colour turns black
Dr. Mayank Gupta said that due to carbon accumulation in the liver, a person becomes a victim of chronic hepatitis B, which increases the risk of liver damage and diseases like cancer. Due to this disease, the color of the victim starts turning black, that is why this disease is colloquially called black jaundice.

symptoms of black jaundice
Fever, always feeling tired, yellowing of the eyes, yellowing of the urine, yellowing of the nails, pain in the joints, complaints of vomiting and diarrhea, pain in the upper part of the stomach

Cause of black jaundice
Dr. Mayank Gupta explains that usually the cause of black jaundice is hepatitis B and C. The hepatitis B and C viruses reach the body through blood and affect the liver. If not treated on time, carbon deposits in the liver can lead to cancer, kidney damage and skin-related problems. Sometimes, despite treatment, hepatitis B and C viruses remain in the liver, due to which the patient’s liver starts shrinking and gets damaged.

Measures to prevent black jaundice
Before taking blood, get it tested for hepatitis B and C bacteria.
Pregnant women should get vaccinated against hepatitis B.
The same injection should not be used by more than one person.

Tags: Dehradun news, Health News, Life18, Local18, uttarakhand news

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