These signs of your body are red signal for many deadly diseases, if ignored, you can even lose your life, know the reason

These signs of your body are red signal for many deadly diseases, if ignored, you can even lose your life, know the reason

Red Signal of Deadly Diseases: If you are losing weight and then after a few days the weight really reduces then you feel very happy but when the weight starts falling without any reason then it should never be considered trivial because losing weight without any reason is a red signal for many fatal diseases. You should be aware that rapid weight loss can be the cause of fatal diseases like cancer, diabetes, thyroid, stress etc. If you ignore it then it can even lead to death. Therefore, rapid weight loss should never be ignored. Know here how many reasons can there be for rapid weight loss.

Causes of unexplained weight loss

cancer-In a report in Daily Mail, doctors have been quoted as saying that if your body weight reduces by 5% in a year without any reason, it means that you have some disease. If we calculate it in kilograms, it will be around 4.5 kilograms. Doctors said that if the weight reduces this much in a year, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In this situation, some tests will tell which disease you have. If the weight starts reducing very fast, then it can also be the cause of cancer. In about 80 percent of cases of stomach or liver cancer, weight starts reducing rapidly. Apart from this, weight starts reducing in other types of cancer.

Thyroid-If there is too much thyroid i.e. hyperthyroidism, then due to this there will always be mood swings and weakness in the muscles. Along with this, there will be a lot of thirst. Excess thyroid makes the metabolism very fast. Due to this, weight also starts decreasing rapidly. Therefore, if the weight is decreasing due to thyroid problem, then contact the doctor immediately. It will be treated. There will be a lot of problem later.

Diabetes-If you have not reduced your food intake and are still losing weight, diabetes can also be the reason. Since in diabetes, insulin is produced less or it gets resistant. Therefore, glucose is not converted into energy in the body cells. Therefore, the body fat starts burning and weight starts reducing rapidly.

stomach ache-If you have stomach pain for a long time, have diarrhea, always have some problem in the stomach, then these can be symptoms of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. In this condition too, weight can decrease rapidly. On the other hand, if there is blood or mucus in the stool, then this also leads to weight loss.

Mental problems-Not only does weight fall in physical diseases but in mental diseases also weight starts falling rapidly. If you are under a lot of stress and have a lot of anxiety or depression then you do not feel hungry. Along with this, there is indigestion in food. Due to this, the stress hormone increases a lot, due to which many types of disturbances start happening in the body and weight also starts falling rapidly.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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