This asana eradicates the problem of thyroid from its roots, makes the waist flexible, has many other benefits, know the right way to practice

This asana eradicates the problem of thyroid from its roots, makes the waist flexible, has many other benefits, know the right way to practice

Ustrasana health benefits in thyroid: Yoga is an effective way to keep the body and mind healthy. If you make yoga a part of your daily life, then many types of problems will stay away from you and you will remain healthy and fit for a long time. Here we are talking about a yoga asana with the help of which thyroid problem can also be overcome. This asana is Ushtrasana. Yes, according to Healthline, Ushtrasana is a yoga asana with the help of which you can activate your thyroid gland, so that hormonal problems can be easily balanced. Let us know what is the right way to practice it.

How to practice Ushtrasana
-First of all, sit on the mat in the Vajraasan posture. In this posture, both your knees will be forward and you will be sitting on both your toes. The waist will be straight and the palms of both the hands will be on the knees.

-Now place both the arms on the waist and stand on your knees. Keep in mind that both the knees and feet should be together. Now slowly bend backwards and carefully try to hold the right heel with the right hand. Now carefully hold the left heel with the left hand.

-Your stomach will be facing forward, thighs will be straight and the head and back bone will be bent backwards as much as possible. Relax in this posture and keep breathing in and out deeply. The entire weight of the body will be on the feet and hands.

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-Your body will remain stretched like a bow. Stay in this posture for as long as you can, then slowly lift your hands from your heels one by one and sit in the first position.

Keep this in mind-
,If you have pain or injury in the lower back, then you should not do Ushtrasana.
-If the hands are not able to reach the ankles, then do the asana by touching the ankles with your fingers.
-If you have any other health related problem then practice it only after consulting your doctor.

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Benefits of Ustrasana-
By doing Ushtrasana, digestion remains good, there is no problem of constipation, back pain is relieved, back bulge caused by bad posture can be corrected, hip flexors get stretched, thyroid glands become active.

Tags: benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle

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