This black flour roti helps in rapid weight loss, must be eaten in monsoon – AnyTV News

This black flour roti helps in rapid weight loss, must be eaten in monsoon - India TV Hindi

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Ragi for weight loss

You must make some changes in the diet along with the season. Our digestive system becomes weak during the rainy season. Therefore, heavy food, high protein diet, oily spicy food is prohibited. To keep yourself healthy in monsoon, eat ragi flour roti. Ragi flour is rich in nutrients. Calcium deficiency in the body can be fulfilled by eating ragi. Apart from this, a good amount of protein, fiber, carbs and vitamins are found in ragi. Eating ragi is more beneficial during rainy and cold days. Eating ragi roti also helps in weight loss. Know the benefits of eating ragi (Ragi ke Aate se Bani Roti Khane ke Fayde).

Benefits of Ragi Flour Roti

  1. Lose weight- Ragi flour is considered good for reducing obesity. Ragi has a high fiber content. Due to which the stomach remains full for a long time. By consuming more fiber, you avoid overeating. You do not feel much hungry and gradually your weight starts reducing.

  2. Digestion will be strong- Digestive problems start occurring during the rainy season. The main reason for this is the disturbance in the digestive system. In such a situation, ragi roti will work to improve digestion. The fiber found in ragi works to keep the stomach healthy and improve gut health.

  3. Life in the bones- Ragi is rich in calcium. It strengthens bone health. Ragi should be included in children’s diet. It helps in proper development and strengthening of bones. It also provides relief from bone and joint pain during rains. Therefore, Ragi roti should be eaten.

  4. Bring energy- Eating ragi provides the body with a lot of energy. If you eat cheela, roti or paratha made from ragi in the morning, you remain energetic throughout the day. Ragi flour makes the body agile and nimble. Therefore, include ragi flour roti at least once a day in your diet.

  5. Blood sugar control- Diabetic patients should definitely eat roti made from ragi flour. This keeps the blood sugar level under control. Ragi helps in increasing insulin. The fiber found in it is beneficial for diabetes patients.

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