This technology is amazing! Claims that chronic disease will vanish in 7 days without any medicine

This technology is amazing! Claims that chronic disease will vanish in 7 days without any medicine

Khargone: Changing food habits have had a bad effect on people’s health in the last few years. People are falling prey to many serious diseases like sugar, blood pressure, joint pain, paralysis at a young age. These diseases are such that they cannot be cured quickly. But now one can get rid of these diseases completely in a short time.

Actually, a health camp is being organized in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh. The special thing is that people will be treated here without medicines. It is being claimed that people suffering from years old diseases will get relief to a great extent with just seven days of treatment.

When and where will the camp be held
In fact, a seven-day health camp is being organized under the joint aegis of Shri Guru Singh Sabha Khargone, Diamond Club Lions Club Khargone and Sakhi Women Power. The camp will be held at Gurudwara Marg Guru Singh Sabha Khargone from Thursday, July 25, 2024 to Wednesday, July 31, 2024. People will be treated here from 8 am to 12 noon and from 4 pm to 8 pm.

These diseases will be treated
Ankita Jain of the organizing committee informed local 18 that in the seven-day camp, many diseases like paralysis, eye, nose, throat disease, headache, back pain, sciatica, blood pressure, sugar, numbness of hands and feet, mental stress, depression etc. will be treated without medicine.

Therapists from Rajasthan will provide treatment
Therapist Vishal Kumar DAT IN (ACU) of Acupressure, Vibration Research Training and Treatment Institute Jodhpur (Rajasthan) will treat the victims with acupressure, vibration and camping therapy for 15 to 20 minutes every day. For this, the victim will have to pay a nominal fee of Rs 150. This fee will be charged only once.

Tags: health tips, Latest Hindi News, Lifestyle, Local18, Mp news

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